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1LT, OG organics, golden fulvic acid formula, Ancient Earth, Advanced Nutrients

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With Ancient Earth Organic OIM, you never have to worry about synthetic ingredients or inorganic contaminants sneaking in, because it’s 100% Organic OIM certified.

The scientists at Advanced Nutrients were so impressed with Leonardite that they immediately started working around the clock to develop a 100% Organic OIM, golden fulvic acid formula for growers of high value plants like us…
A seven-step extraction process is used to develop the fulvic acid that directly feeds plant cells, roots and leaves to produce bigger, more aromatic flowers.
Here are just a few more of the benefits of this fulvic formula…
• It contains hydrogen, carbon, oxygen, nitrogen, phosphorus, sulfur, and complex chain acid compounds for enhanced plant vitality and harvest potency…
• It promotes root activity, making it easier for plants to absorb essential elements…
• It promotes a stronger, more nutrient healthy plant…
• It’s a natural chelator which enhances your plants ability to get the nutrients they need…
• It enhances nutrient absorption, the transport of those nutrients throughout plants and your plant’s metabolism.

Together, Humic and Fulvic Acids Work Synergistically To Help Your Plants Stay Nutrient Healthy And Grow Vigorously.
With Ancient Earth Organic OIM, your plants get an "all-in-one" fulvic and humic acid formula that is guaranteed to promote a better harvest!

Use 2ml per Liter