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250ML, better bud development, Power Buds, Plagron

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Plagron | Power Buds | 250ML | Better Bud Development


Plagron Power Buds is a high-quality bloom stimulator specifically designed to support your plants during the flowering phase.


With a carefully balanced formula, Power Buds promotes the growth and development of robust blooms, allowing you to achieve a rich and abundant harvest.


Easy Application and Precise Dosage

Using Plagron Power Buds is incredibly easy. Before use, we recommend shaking the bottle thoroughly to ensure optimal mixing.


The dosage is 1 ml of Power Buds per liter of water, which corresponds to a ratio of 1:1000. Simply add the recommended amount of Power Buds to your irrigation solution and mix well to ensure that all plants evenly benefit from the valuable ingredients.


By the way, Power Buds does not increase the EC value and can be easily added to any products you are already using.


Step-by-Step Application in the Flowering Phase

Plagron Power Buds is used from the transition between the growth and flowering phases.


By providing targeted support to the flowering process, your plants receive the extra boost they need to produce great blooms.


The unique formula of Power Buds promotes the formation of resin and essential oils, resulting in improved aromatics and a more intense flavor.


The Perfect Combination for Optimal Results

To achieve the best possible results, we recommend combining Plagron Power Buds with two other high-quality products from the Plagron range: Plagron Green Sensation and Plagron Sugar Royal. Green Sensation is a powerful 4-in-1 bloom stimulator that contributes to firmer and more compact blooms, while Sugar Royal enhances the optimal taste.

However, please note that Sugar Royal is not suitable for hydrological systems.